Guest Blog #1 - How Morse helped one Community Psychiatric Nurse to deliver more person-centred care


Claire Henderson, Senior Charge Nurse, Mental Health & Learning Disability Practice Improvement & Development Nurse Team, University Hospital Monklands, Airdrie, gives her view on the benefits of using the Morse mobile EPR in her prior role as a Community Psychiatric Nurse.

Alongside multi-device using functionality, the ability to complete Morse Electronic Patient Records on and offline brought a new, and very much needed, fluidity to record keeping workload for a Community Psychiatric Nurse.

Time saved is refocused on the patient

Minimal effort was required to forward appointments for routine clinics or treatments, meaning that I had more availability to engage in therapeutic relationships with my patients rather than on cumbersome admin tasks.

Holistic record keeping avoids asking the same question multiple times

As a Mental Health Nurse, the very last thing I want to do is re-traumatise my patient and one of the key features of Morse allowed me to reduce that possibility. This was through the patient pathway and the ability to open and discharge a patient multiple times without permanently closing off a patient record. That meant that important background information previously provided by the patient, became accessible on re-referral, requiring only updated responses and reducing the need for the patient to be asked the same question repeatedly. Morse therefore complimented and enhanced my ability to be more person-centred in the care that I could provide, with record keeping becoming more holistic in nature.

Shared care records support multi-disciplinary care

Finally, the multiple pathway functionality in Morse has expanded accessibility to the wider multidisciplinary team involved in a patient’s care, breaking down barriers that historically can lie between mental and physical health records and opening up positive holistic patient care through fostering positive wider professional relationships.

Enhanced clinician and patient experience

All of these features are just some of the ways that Morse has contributed positively to my practice and therefore, to the patient experience I have been able to provide.